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Be the End of Polio

Rotary International has played a pivotal role in the global efforts to eradicate polio. Learn about the disease and things Rotary has done to eradicate polio

What is Polio?

Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a highly contagious viral disease caused by the poliovirus. It primarily affects children under the age of five. While many infected individuals show no symptoms, a small percentage can develop paralysis, which can be permanent or fatal. There is no cure, but vaccines have been developed that provide effective immunity against the virus. Due to global vaccination efforts, polio has been eradicated from many parts of the world.

How Rotary helps

Rotary International has played a pivotal role in the global efforts to eradicate polio. Here are key contributions:

  1. Fundraising: Since 1985, Rotary has contributed billions of dollars to fight polio through its PolioPlus program.

  2. Advocacy: Rotary members have advocated at all levels of government and society to gain support and funding for polio eradication.

  3. Awareness: Rotary has raised awareness about polio eradication through public relations efforts and events, reaching a vast audience globally.

  4. On-the-Ground Support: Rotary members have volunteered in support roles during National Immunization Days to help administer vaccine drops to children.

  5. Partnerships: Rotary played a key role in forming the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in 1988, partnering with the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and more recently, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

  6. Matching Grants: In partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rotary has agreed on matching grants, amplifying the funding dedicated to eradicating polio.

Through these contributions, Rotary International has been instrumental in reducing the number of polio cases by over 99.9% since the start of their campaign.

Every year, we hold various fundraising events to help keep polio at bay. It’s a devastating disease that can be eradicated by a simple vaccine, but distributing the vaccine takes time.

This year we have a special screening of the film Napoleon.

Visit our booking page to buy tickets

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